NEW! Embedded Hardware and Software Project

Client: Consorcio SMART MOBILITY
Ciudad: Lima (Perú)
Proyecto: Pilot with the Asociación de Transportistas del Callao, 30 x OPM-1000 Validators based on NFC EMV Cert L1&2 reader (Kiosk IV – IDTECH). In action.

NUEVO! Embedded Hardware and Software Project

Cliente: Consorcio STG
Ciudad: Guayaquil (Ecuador)
Proyecto: Technological renovation of METROVIA (BRT) and incorporation of SITU (Conventional Transportation) with 2,850 VL-550 OB Validators based on the NFC EMV Cert L1&2 reader (Kiosk IV - IDTECH), 2,930 CGI-600 Consoles, 421 TAS LGI-200 Consultation Terminals and 50 LGI-54M readers. In execution.

Embedded Hardware and Software Project

Client: BPC BT & eCards
Egypt National Railway (ENR)
Proyecto: Engineering, design, software development and production of 460 x PCI-1000 Validators based on the NFC EMV Cert L1 & 2 reader (Kiosk IV – IDTECH), 55 x LGI-54M, PC-1000 and PS-25.

Embedded Hardware and Software Project

Client: Worldline France
City: Lyon
Project: Engineering, design, software development and production of 4,400 Yo-Val Validators (with CE certification) based on the Wolrdline NFC EMV Cert L1 & 2 Yoneo reader.

Embedded Hardware and Software Project

Client: BPC BT
City: Bogotá
Project: Collection Bogotá - Transmilenio (in Operation since 2019). Provision of LGI-150 Validators and integration with the BPC Billet platform ( for the new ABT system (Account Based Ticketing)

AFC Software Project

Client: Siemens
City: Lima
Project: Lima Electric Train: Development of the SW of the Camel CV-24G Validator integrated with KABA turnstile, ATM for the sale / recharge of cards (Mikroelektronica) and Station Concentrator

AFC Software Project

Client: Atos
City: El Salvador
Project: SUBES: Sistema Unico de Boleto Electrónico El Salvador (El Salvador Single Ticket System). Development of the Camel CV-24G Validator SW (Mikroelektronika), Verifone Vx-520 recharge POS and Garage Concentrator